Polyalthia longifolia Pendula (Indian Mast Tree)

Polyalthia longifolia Pendula (Indian Mast Tree)

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Description: Polyalthia longifolia 'Pendula', commonly known as Indian Mast Tree, False Ashoka, or Weeping Mast Tree, is an evergreen tree valued for its tall, slender, and columnar growth habit with gracefully weeping branches. This tree is particularly prized for its elegant form and its use as a privacy screen or ornamental feature in gardens and landscapes.


  • Blooms: Produces small, inconspicuous greenish-yellow flowers in spring. The flowers are not a significant feature of this tree.
  • Fragrance: The flowers have a mild fragrance, but they are generally not prominent.


  • Leaves: Long, narrow, lance-shaped leaves that are glossy and bright green when young, maturing to a darker green. The leaves have wavy margins and create a lush, cascading effect.
  • Seasonal Color: The evergreen foliage provides consistent color and interest throughout the year.

Form and Size:

  • Size: Typically grows 10-15 meters tall and 1-2 meters wide, forming a tall, slender, and columnar shape.
  • Habit: Upright and columnar with gracefully weeping branches, making it an ideal choice for vertical accent planting.

Growing Conditions:

  • Climate: Thrives in tropical to subtropical climates, suitable for many regions in Australia. It is tolerant of light frosts but prefers warmer conditions.
  • Soil: Prefers well-draining, fertile soil but can adapt to a variety of soil types, including sandy and loamy soils. It tolerates both acidic and alkaline conditions.
  • Sunlight: Best grown in full sun to partial shade. Full sun encourages the best growth and foliage color, while partial shade can help prevent leaf scorch in hotter climates.
  • Watering: Regular watering during the establishment phase is crucial. Once established, it is moderately drought-tolerant but benefits from consistent moisture during dry periods.


  • Privacy Screen: Ideal for creating tall, narrow privacy screens or windbreaks due to its dense and upright growth habit.
  • Specimen Plant: Can be used as a standalone specimen plant in gardens and courtyards, where its form and foliage can be showcased.
  • Ornamental Feature: Perfect for adding vertical interest and structure to mixed borders and garden beds.
  • Street Tree: Suitable for planting along streets and avenues due to its upright form and minimal space requirements.


  • Pruning: Minimal pruning is required to maintain its shape. Light pruning can be done to remove any dead or damaged branches and to maintain the desired form.
  • Fertilizing: Apply a balanced fertilizer in early spring to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage color.
  • Pests and Diseases: Generally resistant to pests and diseases. Monitor for aphids, scale insects, and spider mites, especially in humid conditions.


  • Hardiness: Hardy in USDA zones 9-11. In cooler regions of Australia, provide protection from severe frost to prevent damage to young shoots.

Companion Plants: Pair with other tropical and subtropical plants that thrive in similar conditions, such as hibiscus, plumeria, and bougainvillea, to create a cohesive and lush garden display

Polyalthia longifolia 'Pendula' (Indian Mast Tree)

Common Name: Indian Mast Tree, False Ashoka, Weeping Mast Tree

Botanical Name: Polyalthia longifolia 'Pendula'

Family: Annonaceae

Origin: Native to India and Sri Lanka