
Avocado Hass
Avocado Hass is the most commonly grown variety of Avocado in Australia. know for its creamy texture & taste and distinctive pebbly textured skin that changes colour as it ripens from green to purple black Grows in Full Sun to Part shade and is best kept pruned to around 3.0m in size. Fertilise seasonally using fruit food and improve organic contents around flowering times

Blueberry Vitality
Blueberry Vitality has a place in all gardens and outdoor spaces; being evergreen and growing 1m x 1m it makes a perfect low hedge and a great productive pot plant.

Lemon Dwarf 'Eureka SL'
Lemon Dwarf 'Eureka SL' - It produces a mass of fragrant flowers and vigorous almost thornless, evergreen foliage. Dwarf Eureka is an ideal lemon for the home garden, bearing fruit all year round and peaking in summer.

Mandarin Dwarf 'Fremont'
Mandarin Dwarf 'Fremont' is a cross between a Clementine and the Ponkan mandarin. The fruit turns almost red when ripe and is held at the ends of the branches, so can be extremely beautiful. One of our favourite mandarins it has a superbly rich sweet flavour. can grow between 2-4 m tall however is kept best around the 2.0m tall Fruits between May - September

Mandarin Dwarf 'Hickson'
Mandarin Dwarf 'Hickson' is a beautiful Mandarin that its easy to peel. it grows approx. 2-3m tall and will fruit between July - October each year Fertilise seasonally with Fruit & Citrus food and prune regular to keep shape and promote more fruit development

Orange Dwarf 'Cara cara'
Orange Dwarf 'Cara cara' blood navel is a red fleshed navel orange. the fruit is larger than a normal orange and its pretty sweet. grows between 2-3 m tall and fruits between June - September Grow in full sun for best results

Orange Dwarf 'Seedless Valencia'
Orange Dwarf 'Seedless Valencia' is a seedless orange that produces masses of fruit. Grows to approx. 1-2m in height and fruits between September - December each year Fertilise seasonally with Fruit & Citrus food and prune regular to keep shape and promote more fruit development

Orange Dwarf 'Washington Navel'
Orange Dwarf 'Washington Navel' is a popular orange that is commonly grown in Australia . Grows to approx. 1-2m in height and fruits between May - August each year Fertilise seasonally with Fruit & Citrus food and prune regular to keep shape and promote more fruit development